A-ha, got the journal section working! Of course, don’t know if I’m going to use it again now that I have this blogger. Gotta love this thing! I know I do. Quite spiffy, if you ask me. 🙂
Wow, work was easy today! Kinda bizarre. But no, I’m not complaining, I swear!
Chatted on the phone with Rachel this evening. I had to tell her about Chris Conrad remembering me. Now when is she going to be lucky enough to hear from him again?… Rachel told me about her adventures in New York for the Xena convention. ::sigh:: She and Kim got to see Greg and Karl at the con. Lucky them! And my theory was proven as to how Greg knew a bit of Tagalog…
Hey, my counters are working again? Groovay! Now I can hold off on looking for new ones. I can’t believe my Ryan site is over 40,000 hits! Neat-oh! And my Greg site is over 4,000 hits! Not bad considering it’ll celebrate its first anniversary in May…
Watched the news again before work. More on the shooting in Santee, CA. One of the students interviewd on CNN (?) had a familiar last name. Was that Beth’s daughter? I think so! The world is a very small place indeed…