Yes, it William Gregory Lee’s birthday. Is it the 30th? I think so. 😉 Happy wishes to him always…

Ryan Gosling’s latest movie, The United States of Leland, has been acquired by Paramount Classics.

Sundance Gets Bu$y

by Josh Grossberg
Jan 23, 2003, 11:15 AM PT

The wheeling and dealing is heating up at the 2003 Sundance Film Festival.

A few high-profile indie flicks have been picked up by major distributors in the early going at Robert Redford’s annual Park City romp, but so far there’s not been a huge feeding frenzy.

Kicking off the slate of early acquisitions, Paramount Classics paid $2.1 million Monday for the North American rights to The United States of Leland, a drama about a young man who kills a mentally retarded boy. The film, writing and directing debut of 28-year-old Matthew Ryan Hoge, stars Ryan Gosling, Don Cheadle, Chris Klein, Lena Olin and Kevin Spacey. (It was Spacey who, after reading the script, shepherded Leland to the big screen through his production company.)