lazy weekend things

Mariah Carey Feat. Snoop Dogg – Emancipation Of Mimi – Say Somethin

lunch at red robin

We usually stay in on the weekends but yesterday we went to the mall!  I know, exciting, eh?  And for lunch we had hamburgers at Red Robin.  I love Red Robin hamburgers.  I’m quite partial to the Red Robin Bacon Cheeseburger.  Mmmmm!

lunch at red robin

And yes, I like to take pictures of food.  I think it’s a great test of the macro feature on a camera, don’t you?

The mall was not busy at all, which was nice.  I hate busy malls.  All those people bug the heck out of me!  I bought a few things at a couple of stores (Aveda and Bath & Body Works).  I touched the Samsung Omnia and the Blackberry Storm.  Such prettiness!  I love new tech stuff.

We got home in time to watch the football games.  I think I must have taken a nap because I don’t remember much of either game.  LOL!  And after the games we watched Grindhouse.  I actually enjoyed the double feature!  Violent and gory and funny and gross.  Classic.  And it was neat seeing a name I knew in the credits.  Yah!  🙂