The All Blacks win

pondering randomly

I find myself rushing the minutes of the daily routine, always pushing for the weekend, as if time doesn’t flow the same when the daily routine is not followed.  Do you ever do that yourself?

It’s already been a week since WonderCon and it feels as though the time there had stretched into a different flow of time.  Even as the more mundane details slip away, I still remember certain things of that day.

Sitting on BART, listening to my Nano.

Walking to the Moscone.

Moving much too slowly through the throngs of people milling about the exhibit floor.

Sitting in the Esplanade Ballroom, waiting for the panels to start.

All of it still lingers in my mind.  I hold on to it because it’s not part of my daily routine.  It’s something that happened outside of the usual turn of the day.  And those hours at WonderCon have spawned a fangirl crush, which always eases the sharp edges in the day.