an afternoon with family

time has weaved its way
drawing life with each thread
patterns unseen without memories
the tapestry yet unfinished
laughter in remembrance
tears forgotten in yesterday
leaving only reverence and joy
with every moment shared

Twenty years ago today, my grandfather died. He would have been 88 that year. I am the 16th of 17 grandchildren. The grandchildren had fond memories, his children not so many. He was a strict father to his children, something I think they appreciated in the adult life but not so much in their childhood. I believe his greatest legacy, even now, is his family. We have stayed as close as a big family can be with minor hiccups (mostly among his children) along the way. So for this, Lolo, I am most thankful.


Today many of us gathered to remember the patriarch of our family. His wife, two of his children, many of his grandchildren, some great-grandchildren, and a great-great-grandchild. We stood in the afternoon sun and shared a prayer and some memories. The spring breeze was cool, the high sun was warm, and skies were blue.

at the cemetery
visiting the cemetery
we got there first!

visiting the cemetery
his headstone

visiting the cemeteryvisiting the cemetery
visiting the cemetery
visiting the cemeteryvisiting the cemetery
visiting the cemetery
doing a little exploring

After the cemetery, we went to lunch!

visiting the cemetery

I thought the food was good but I’m not as picky as I suppose I could be with buffets. lol!

buffet lunch
plate number one
buffet lunch
plate number two
buffet lunch

It was nice catching up with the cousins I don’t see as often as I could. I’m so glad we have Facebook because we can keep on each other there. lol!

lunch afterwards
okay, we see each other all the time…

lunch afterwards
lunch afterwards
lunch afterwards
lunch afterwards
I remember when every single one of them was a BABY! I’m so old…

I had a lovely time hanging out with the family. It’s always great catching up with my cousins and even better that no one had to clean up afterwards! 😉