We hit Tailgaters for the San Jose Sharks v. Chicago Blackhawks game. I have successfully acquired the taste for Guinness. Nice!
We had the appetizer sampler. Mmmmm!
The Sharks scored first but not again and ended up losing. Boooo! The A’s game was also on and they also lost. What the heck?! Bad sports day. Oh well.
My Droid has been freaking out since the other day and today it wouldn’t stop. We even did a factory reset but it’s still crazy. So now I wait for a replacement Droid. Hopefully it’ll be here on Wednesday (if not before). In the mean time, I’m using an old Treo. It’s so weird. Aaaack!
Well, I have something else to occupy me away from the sadness of my defunct Droid– books! lol! Know what’s neat about devices like the Nook? You can “check out” e-books from the library. Well, you can do it from the computer at least. So neat! The first book I’m reading is Twilight. Yes, I’m giving in and reading it. It’s free, so why the heck not? 🙂
Ah, the word is that Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris got married yesterday. Awwwww! Much happiness to them! 😀