the desolationdarkens the whisper of hopecrumbling into dust We’re watching an old ep of NCIS. Yah!
confess your secrets
confess your secretsthe dark and unrelentinghaunting all your days I got to stuff envelopes today. Took too long and I needed help. Bah!
hot sunday
your broken promisebreaks this oh so gentle heartbrings you to your knees It was HOT today. To me, 102°F is quite toasty. These are the days I am […]
lazy saturday
suddenly the answersbursting forth from the darknesstears with blinding light USA soccer had a good run. Too bad they couldn’t go further. Alas! We headed out to the […]
take a moment first
take a moment firstbefore shouting to heavenall the injustice A short day at work. I love the half day Fridays!!! 🙂 We had dinner at The Game. The […]
each step in sunshine
each step in sunshinebrings me closer to darknessthe end of the road Tomorrow is another short day at work. I know, I’m bragging. 😉
so you turn away
so you turn awayforget me in this momentdismissing my tears We’re watching BONES. We’re always watching BONES.