before you go
tell me one thing
will you forget
the hint of laughter
beneath every smile
the glint of desire
shining without reservation
before you go
tell me one thing
will you remember
the soft sweet whispers
turning now into forever
the hint of perfection
with every single touch
I love when school breaks for two weeks. Even though I had payroll today, my day was mostly smooth going. Oh, except for a phone call from a person who seemed to think that everyone else in the office would know her name. Sorry, not!
I know I’m merely the one who answers the phone but that doesn’t mean I don’t know anything. It’s interesting the extremes I experience when I answer the phone. Either I’m expected to know everything or I can’t possibly know anything. Or worse still, I’m mistaken for a student. Seriously?
In other news, it was HOT again today. Triple digits! I don’t know if we ever went two days of triple digit weather this summer and now it’s autumn. Go figure!
Oh, let’s talk about a bit of television!
- STARGATE UNIVERSE – A great episode filled with mystery and such. And yet I still don’t like the show as much as STARGATE ATLANTIS. I know I’m late to the game with SGA but on the whole I think I enjoyed that show much more than SGU. I get the whole character driven angle for the latest Stargate show but why do the characters have to be so flawed and nearly unlikable? But that’s just me! I’ll still watch the show. It’s hooked me and that’s the important thing, I suppose…
- THE EVENT – The second episode was pretty cool. I want to know more! What do the prisoner folks want? Are they aliens? A new kind of human? What’s the deal? I want to know!
- HAWAII FIVE-0 – A good second episode. I seriously love the banter between Alex O’Loughlin and Scott Caan. They have a great thing going there. And AO, well, he’s kinda hot, eh? LOL! I hope this show lasts!
- CASTLE – I love this show so much. It’s the right blend of humor and mystery. And who doesn’t love Nathan Fillion? I just adore him! My only wish is that it wasn’t on so late! We have to wait until the next day to watch it. Bah!
- CHUCK – Another show I love. I always laugh at some point in the show and I’m always hooked. The hour just seems to zip by whenever we watch CHUCK.
- VAMPIRE DIARIES – My favorite character on this show has got to be Damon. He shows such depth at times even though he’d like the world to believe he’s cocky and uninterested in anything but himself. He breaks my heart sometimes. And what the heck does Katherine want? Oh, it was very nice to see Alaric again. Not sure I was digging the hair though. 😉
I’ve watched more shows but can’t think of all of them at the moment. Too many shows!!!