just this one last timelet me see laughter shiningonce more in your eyes I like when the day just drifts along…
back at work
every breath colderwarmth and life leaving my sidethe slow tears freezing Alas. I loved being off for a week.
Frosty Monday
I had to warm up my car a bit longer today… See and download the full gallery on posterous Posted via email from valerie’s posterous
alas, tis sunday
swirling in darknessdesperation bides its timeuntil the reveal We watched the first two LOTR movies this weekend, extended versions. 🙂
Lazy Saturday
if you dont believethe truth shining in my eyeswe have nothing left We’re about to start The Lord of the Rings. 🙂
already friday
there’s just a whisperrising from the emptinessgliding with the breeze I had a lazy day today. Most lovely…
Did you have a good Thanksgiving?
in this crazy worldI am so thankful for youyour love in my life We went to Alameda for Thanksgiving! on Harbor Light My aunt has had Thanksgiving gatherings […]