The All Blacks win

ten years ago today…

I still think of you
with sweet laughter in my heart
warm with memories

Where has the time gone?

It’s been TEN years since that Palo Alto Xena convention. TEN YEARS! I could not let this day pass without writing a few words. So here it goes…

Ten years ago today (aka Ryan Gosling’s 20th birthday), I met William Gregory Lee. Twas the Palo Alto Xena convention. The night before his last episode of Xena had aired (“The Abyss,” in case you’re wondering) and I was looking forward to seeing him at his first convention. My friends Lisa and Rachel had come up from Los Angeles for the convention and I think stayed with them even though it wasn’t that long a drive from home.

I remember the breakfast (he wasn’t there) because I asked Hudson Leick about Erik Thomson. She is mesmerizing, by the way. I couldn’t help thinking how mesmerizing she was when she sat with us at the table.

The convention was a “small” one but still fun. When Lisa and I were walking around, we caught a glimpse of Greg in the dealer’s room. We weren’t sure if it was him because his hair was different. It was near the time for him to appear on stage. It looked like he had just arrived.

Finally, his stage time. He was a little nervous, I think, not knowing what to expect. He was a con “virgin” but he did a great job on stage answering questions. I had to ask him a question because 1) I had a website on him and 2) how could I not?! I was going to ask him about Dark Angel but someone beat me to it so I when it was my turn at the mic, I asked him when his birthday was because I wanted to add it to my website.

I don’t think I can ever forget how he asked me (after telling me his birthday is January 24th), “Are you Kiri, Kira–?” To which I replied, “Kiari!”

He knew about me and my website! His family or friends had pointed it out to him. I was floored! I remember laughing and feeling embarrassed but not embarrassed enough to stay quiet. I went off mic and asked if I could have a picture with him later. And holy heck, he grinned and invited me up on stage with him for a picture.

Just thinking about it now makes me smile and laugh a little. It probably wasn’t a smart thing to take a picture with him up on stage (and I think I said something weird up there) but it was fun. He was lucky no one else asked for the same thing.

I thought that moment on stage with him would be my moment of the convention but he surprised me later in the autograph line and in the impromptu photo op. We had clicked in a way I hadn’t imagined. He made me feel like a long lost friend which made me adore him even more.

So, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Greg! Thank you for making that convention so memorable for me! 🙂

I still have the convention report and photos here. Go on, you know you want to read about my nerdalicious moments. 😉

Oh, and Happy Birthday to Ryan Gosling! LOL