now the days are brightthe hot sun high in the skysignaling summer It’s interesting how the weather can swing from one extreme to another. 😛 I’m so glad […]
pretty day
closer in darknessevery breath like a whisperskimming against skin Such a pretty day today! Sunshine, blue skies. I didn’t go outside during lunch because I chatted with my […]
spring time
the sunshine creepinglighting corners and shadowsso sweet, warm and bright Each day is warmer than the last. So pretty.
the weekend ends
breaking every hearthow easy is it to dowith such a sweet smile Weekends are too freakin’ short. Bah.
plans foiled
maybe it’s springtimebut chills shiver to the bonewaiting and alone We were going to watch the first showing of Sucker Punch. We bought our tickets, bought popcorn and […]
a techie day for me
I woke up to the Froyo update waiting on my Epic! Most wonderful! I started the update, took my shower, and when I was finished the update was […]
half a friday
I know whythe sun riseschasing dreams awayI know whythe night fallsbreezes chill and swaybut I don’t knowwhy my tears are bitterwhy my heart just beatsI don’t knowif I’ll […]