plans foiled

maybe it’s springtime
but chills shiver to the bone
waiting and alone

We were going to watch the first showing of Sucker Punch. We bought our tickets, bought popcorn and soda, and settled in our seats. The start time came and went and then the manager on duty (?) came in to tell us that they couldn’t get the projector started. BUMMER! We didn’t feel like waiting for the next show so we got a refund as well as free passes.

Oh well.

We checked out REI and I bought a daypack backpack. It’s cute! I’m going to use it next weekend when we go to Wonder Con. It fits my Kindle quite nicely as well as my netbook. I don’t think I’ll bring my netbook next weekend but perhaps my Kindle will come in handy during the BART ride. 🙂

I’m really enjoying the iPad. I’ve been wishing that Instagram was an Android program and I get to try it out on the iPad. It’s a bit awkward taking pictures with a tablet but doing self portrait vids seems to work out rather nicely. LOL! Anyhoo, it’s a neat-oh device.

a video of the doggies taken with the iPad

The Kindle is a wonderful e-reader. It’s easy on the eyes and the page turning is a breeze. I’d definitely recommend it! I’m glad that a lot of the ebooks I’ve acquired since buying my Nook can be emailed to the Kindle. Very fancy. 😉

My kindle