in a world like thissometimes the light shines too brightrevealing the cracks I haven’t watched the Royal Wedding yet. Just saw some pictures online. So pretty it all […]
closer to friday
should I trustyour soothing touchyour soft spoken wordstrickling so coolcould I trustthe way I feelthe way each breathvows perfection foreverwould I trustgiving my heartconfusing all my senseson this […]
the week crawls
the darkness waits heretempting the hesitationalluring and sweet It’s only Wednesday? Bah!
Monday off
burning bright and trueflickering in the darknesshot against the cold Having a Monday off rocks. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.
A Happy Easter!
time spent here with youmeans so very much to memoments to treasure Easter is one of my favorite holidays. Growing up it meant my family coming over to […]
just a little silence please
there are liesburied deepslithering slowfesteringcan truth waitshine its lighton darker daysblinding
good friday
once not so long agoI never imagined being aloneleft to a vast and empty nothingconfused by all the broken piecesthe questions swirlingwith the dust of shattered dreamsthe answers […]