how long will it bethe endless spiral downwarddeep into darkness
with nary a whimper
you say I broke your heartwith just a little whisperwatching your world crumblewith nary a whimper
amid confusion
you could not let gonothing will be right againamid confusion I should go iron clothes but don’t know what the hubby is wearing tomorrow. I guess I’ll wait […]
are you lost to me
are you lost to mehas our fragile bond brokenwithout me knowing I’ve been having fun with a new camera app on my phone. It was on sale at […]
does my heart beat fast
does my heart beat fastwith just an innocent glancewithout intention So someone out there made note (complained?) about my email signature at work and it was brought to […]
face it now
face it nowthe coming realityharsh and truedark and bitterface it nowpromises brokenunintendedthe path twistedface it nowthe coming tearshold and releasethen just let go lasagna from Harry’s! We went […]
somewhere here
somewhere herelost in staggered memorieswords forgotten and unsaidmingle without directionsomewhere hereconfusion reigns haphazardlyunjust and cruelfrustrating and deplorablesomewhere hereshards of broken promisescut wounds so deepwith utter desperationsomewhere hereit’s easy […]
just let me go
Sometimes I write it out first… why can’t youjust let me gowhy do youcling so tightI only lingerto comfort youbut misery holds medulls my visionfills my lungsplease let […]