counting each breath

counting each breath
marking time in whispers
sleep will not come
dreams retreat
just out of reach
how still the seconds
when silence fills darkness

I can’t breathe through my nose. Bah! Seriously, can’t I just have the sexy scratchy sick voice instead of the sniffling and stuffy nose?


Bane is not supposed to be cute, right? So why do I find that above toy adorable?! LOL! And yes, the fact that I am even paying attention to a Bane toy is slightly pathetic. I’ll admit it. 😉

Did I mention that I’m probably switching to the iPhone sometime next week? The hubby is switching phones, freeing up his iPhone for me to use. I’m a bit excited to try my hand at iOS again. I think I’ll like it. I know there will be things about Android that I will miss but I’m ready for a bit of a change. I’m sure as soon as I switch, my Nexus will get the ICS update and I’ll be curious about it.