I forgot to cry
something has frozen inside
trapping all my hopes
Friday night was the CYO Crab Feed in Livermore. It was our third year in a row going and I was glad when it was finally the evening for it. I love this crab feed! Perhpas it’s because we get to hang out with friends and eat a lot of crab.
I don’t usually drink at these events but R bought a pitcher of IPA and I couldn’t resist. And it was good! And then a bottle of Mitchel Katz Fat Boy red wine appeared and T asked if I wanted some and once again, I could not say no. By crab time, I was delightfully buzzed (mostly because I’m a bit of a lightweight).
The crab was so good! Our server was adorable and very accommodating, bringing us a steady supply of crab. When she said that there was no more crab, it wasn’t as disappointing as it could been because we still had a whole bowl of crab on our table. She made good tips on our table, I think.
Sometime after I had finished my crab, I was scanning the people in the room. I probably shouldn’t be amused about this but it tickled me to see some people slightly dressed up for a CRAB FEED. Really, do you need a glittery shirt and full-on make up face for a CRAB FEED? Oh, and let’s not forget the high heels. For a CRAB FEED. I know, I know, a lot of the people are moms and dads who likely as not do not get out much and why not take the time to look pretty, right? Except it’s a CRAB FEED and you’re going to eat with your hands (I hope!) and no one really cares if your hair is in place or your make up is just right.
So after saying all of that, I must confess that I was glad I wasn’t too grungy that night because lo, I spotted my favorite baseball writer in the crowd! Yes, I have a favorite baseball writer. Mychael Urban wrote Aces: The Last Season on the Mound with the Oakland A’s Big Three: Tim Hudson, Mark Mulder, and Barry Zito. Back in 2005, just before his book was to come out, we went to Arizona and were there for the first day of Spring Training. Mychael was there and one of the things I didn’t do was chat him up like I should have. It was a slight regret that R rectified for me on Friday night.
R told me to speak to Mychael but I was oddly feeling shy. Truth be told, being buzzed made me hesitate. R said he would stop him the next time he came around and so he did! Mychael was very cool, gracious and friendly. I told him about reading his book and he said, “Oh, so you’re an A’s fan.” He talked about writing for the SF Examiner and told me that I should listen to his radio show. We took a picture together and then shook hands.
The picture turned out great! He’s tall, so I look small next to him. I love that! All in all, a great night!
SATURDAY – 25 February 2012
Late Saturday morning, my cousins and I went to Home of Chicken and Waffles in Walnut Creek. Omigosh, walking into that place was just heavenly! I LOVE fried chicken and oh wow, Home of Chicken and Waffles smelled like fried chicken from the minute we opened the door. I loved it.
We had to wait a little for a booth. The restaurant is a bit small. It would have been nice to eat outside but it was too cold for that. We were finally seated and eventually ordered. I ordered the homeboy – 3 chicken wings and a waffle. So simple and yet so tasty. We ordered a side of macaroni and cheese, which was good too. All in all, a good eating experience. The chicken was good, the waffle a bit soft, but as I said, it was all tasty.
I always love hanging out with my cousins and their girls. My goddaughter, Iris, came out with us to Home of Chicken and Waffles and she ended up smelling like fried chicken like the rest of us when it was time to go. I wonder if she was miffed she didn’t get any chicken or waffle. (She’s not yet one.)
When I got home, I didn’t even turn the television on! My sister ended up calling me and we talked for awhile. I miss my sister and I’m always glad when we can just talk about anything.