I know you will break glimmering pretty before shattering to shards I started to write about Once Upon a Time and Game of Thrones but then I stopped. […]
After midnight sometime
I’m awake because I’m watching the Crusaders vs the Waratahs. Super Rugby. I am a Crusaders fan mostly because of Daniel Carter and Richie McCaw. It’s a tight […]
somewhere along the way
poem #1somewhere along the waythe light of dreams will fadeonly memories will lingerwhere once joy was madesometime from nowthe laughter will fadeonly silence will lingerwhere once music playednothing […]
so close to friday
What, I’m only behind two poems? 😉 Poem #1take a look aroundwhy can’t you just let it goset your spirit free Poem #2nothing waits for youredemption nor forgivenessjust […]
three poems
poem #1your life a travestybeating with only liesdeluded notions of grandeurwarm you in the nightyour empty words of familyturn to dust and asheswhen faced with realitythe novelty burns […]
all these dreams were wrong
all these dreams were wrongtrapping me in this chaoswithout any hope The niece and I did the the FaceTime thing. Soooo cool! She kept asking about my dogs […]
so you think
so you thinkone look from youmakes me weak in the kneesall logic fleesmy heart a flutterdo you thinkI’d fall at your feetrevel in just a worda whisper soft […]
somewhere inside
somewhere insideinspiration floundersseeking to be foundwaiting to be unlockedsomewhere insideuntold stories lurkready to unfoldwaiting for that trigger Having only 8GB on this iPhone is going to just kill […]