how can you say that maybe I am unworthy of even your time
I can walk away
I can say I don’t need you I can walk away I can only look ahead I can say I’ll forget you I can write new chapters I […]
it can’t be too soon
it can’t be too soon to reveal the unspoken promises within We spent the last couple of nights watching an old British show called Ultraviolet. It only had […]
higher than the stars
how can she not know the glow of her smile sends him higher than the stars I think it’s sad when a parent calls a school or a […]
does he know the way
does he know the way he says her name sparks the heat burning deep within
to unlock her heart
she’ll wait forever just to hear him say those words to unlock her heart We headed to the Art Wine Jazz Festival last night. I had two glasses […]
beckons for his touch
he can’t stay away the perfect spill of her curves beckons for his touch I woke up one morning this week with that poem above in my head. […]
let’s just savor each moment
shrug off the questions let’s just savor each moment before life intrudes Thank goodness for Friday! 😀