So, no poetry today but I will make up for the days I missed, promise. Well, it’s mostly a promise to myself. 🙂 Let’s work backwards! Yes, I […]
looking forward to new dreams
I am unbroken looking forward to new dreams forged with such fresh hope My Thanksgiving…
seeming without end
do the angels sing while the dark heavy rain falls seeming without end I couldn’t think of a good Thanksgiving poem so I will just say that I […]
in dreams that I forget
do you still hear the laughter ringing from days long ago do you still feel the wind as it lifts the fallen leaves does the sun warm your […]
even if you break my heart
even if you break my heart I’ll never regret loving you even if you walk away I’ll dry my tears while remembering the laughter even if you forget […]
like a delicate present
he undresses her like a delicate present made just for his touch
maybe with a smile
this is all it takes knowing one thought crossed your mind maybe with a smile So, I posted this to twitter yesterday: I just had to share my […]
as if an aside
we say words but we don’t say what we mean only a hint as if an aside is it fear trapping us is it resignation holding us back […]