lines flowing with our laughter

somewhere it’s written
lines flowing with our laughter
poetry and love

The last working day of 2012! We ate a lot during our working hours.

Breakfast was good

First we had breakfast at the high school. The FFA students made breakfast for the staff of the high school as well as M&O and the District Office. It’s always GREAT to see everyone at the high school and the kids are super cool considering this was their first day of winter break and they got up early for us.


Besides the great breakfast, there’s the raffle. My raffle ticket was a loser this year. Oh well! I would have LOVED one of the golf certificates. Or maybe something Starbucks. LOL

Next up was the District Office luncheon.


We do a gift exchange (I didn’t participate but it was fun to watch) after we eat. It’s always a hoot to watch. This year was a little different. Everyone (even the non-participants) got a goodie bag with a number to coincide with the numbered gifts. After everyone gets the gift that matches their number, they start at number one and that person can either keep what they have or trade it with someone else. The new thing was no peeking! It went faster but it was great fun. 🙂

Oh, and the food was yummy! Go Brentwood Fine Meats!

Winter luncheon

The goodie bag had candy and a toy. It was cute. 🙂


But the biggest treat was getting off from work early! Of course, I had to walk home but a small price to pay, eh? And it didn’t rain while I was walking, so even better! 😉


No work until January 2. NICE!