no one ever asks

no one ever asks
why the tears might be falling
when the skies are dark

EQ in Starship Troopers 2
more Ed Quinn in Starship Troopers 2

My 2012 in review (because what else do I have to do on a Saturday morning?):

JANUARY – We ended 2011 and started 2012 at a wedding! The thing I remember most is how the drive back home was scary as hell… My regard for Tom Hardy started full steam after watching Warrior, a movie that deserves all the accolades thrown its way. WATCH WARRIOR!!!

FEBRUARY – Towards the end of the month we went to a crab feed in Livermore and I met Mychael Urban! He’s a sportswriter and someone I’ve been reading for YEARS. Took a picture with him because that’s what I do. LOL… Super Rugby started and I was well on my way into figuring which team would become mine (the Crusaders)… Saw This Means War because two of my fellas were in it- Tom Hardy and Chris Pine. The movie was okay and my favorite parts were anytime the two fellas were on screen together… We saw Legally Blonde the Musical in Walnut Creek. Totally cool! Need to go to the theatre more!… The month marked the 10 year anniversary of Kevin Smith’s death. TEN YEARS. Alas… Switched phones from the Nexus S 4G to the iPhone 4. So it began again…

MARCH – Spring Break, lots of reading, hubby had his bday, I started walking to work again after driving for a couple of months…

APRIL – Baseball! Iris’ first birthday! Our 18th wedding anniversary! Springtime at its best… We went to our one and only baseball game of the whole season in April and it was to see the Stockton Ports… I chose my South African Super Rugby team- the Bulls. Never did choose an Aussie team. Next year?… Got a twitter reply from an actor from Spartacus, Dan Feuerriegel. He said something about New Girl being a guilty pleasure. He was the beginning of my quest to get replies from my fellas on twitter. So yeah, let’s blame Dan! 😉

MAY – My bday month! My cousins came out late in the month to take me to lunch and we wandered the Farmer’s Market in town. Such a pretty day… Big Wow! Comic Fest in San Jose saw me in my Bazinga shirt. Nice!… We saw The Avengers for my birthday and it ROCKED!!! Midnight showings are fun… The Livermore Wine Country Festival made me wish that we lived in Livermore…

JUNE – School was out! Glorious because then the office seemed calmer without the parking lot across the street getting noisy at 3pm… Changed the layout of (and it’s still the same because I like it that much)… Thought about why Joe Manganiello was sitting at number two at the time… The Canes came out to visit! The highlight of the month was spending time with all of them. Dad turned 70, so we took him to dinner. Then the cousins and families went to Alcatraz and had a blast! Great times for sure!… CHARLES MESURE replied to me on twitter with a “sweet dreams”. Love love love him! Again, I was spoiled with a reply by one of my fellas…

JULY – Went to the movies alone and saw Magic Mike. I loved it, especially the dance scenes. They needed to do more dance scenes. LOL!… Corn Fest was dirty and dusty but I still had a good time. Mmmm, corn!… Got the Nexus 7, *my* first tablet. LOVE IT. Would absolutely recommend it… Met up with my friends for lunch and we ended up hanging out at Barnes and Noble and closing the joint! Yeah, that’s how we roll. LOL… School started at the end of the month. The poor kids get such a short summer but I bet they love those two weeks off after each quarter…

AUGUST – Finally saw The Dark Knight Rises. A good end. Tom Hardy, though masked, did a wonderful job, of course. And damn if I didn’t almost cry… The Rugby Championship began! Go All Blacks!… The Olympics took a lot of our attention but I hated the time delay. NBC sucked hard with their coverage… Art Jazz Wine Festival was cool, as usual!…

SEPTEMBER – My Ed Quinn fascination begins! Totally HIS Fault. He replied and continues to reply or re-tweet or favorite my tweets, so how can I not adore him? I’ve always thought him a dapper sort of fella but it wasn’t until the virtual kiss blown my way that I was hooked. So, HIS fault… The iPhone 5 launched! And by the month’s end I had one. And I love it. Great phone… We visited Monterey the day after I got my very own iPhone 5 and had a great time. It was nice to be somewhere else even though it was just for the day…

OCTOBER – Fall Break!… A year since the FIL died. Alas… Charles Mesure called me “Val” in a twitter reply and I thought it was sweet… Followed more baseball in October than I did the whole season because my A’s were in the post-season!… Brunched with the cousins. I always love getting together with them!… The Cardinals choked in the NLCS, sending the Giants to the World Series. I was a little cheeky and tweeted at Ed Quinn for a bit of comfort and he replied with a “Go Giants.” Cute. But he’s an A’s fan first, so nice!… Halloween I wore my old Sheriff Technician’s uniform. Got a lot of comments. Most people didn’t realize I used to work at a jail. 😉

NOVEMBER – National Novel Writing Month! I did so well, keeping ahead of the pace. Even when I was down after Thanksgiving, I managed to hit the word count before the month’s end. I love the characters and want to go through the story and write it anew if need be… Visited with my cousins at the beginning of the month. Good times, of course!… Ed Quinn’s EP Lights Out Love came out and I bought a digital copy, OF COURSE. He was also on an ep of Castle, which was hilarious! He looked different but still charming, of course. All he really needs to do is smile… The List went through a shuffle… We went to Alameda for Thanksgiving and soon after I got that wicked flu. Horrible! But I still had a good time at my aunt’s house. 🙂

DECEMBER – I ordered two Christmas gifts to myself — the All Blacks Anthem Jacket and Ed Quinn’s EP Lights Out Love autographed and personalized. They arrived within a day of each other. I’m in fangirl heaven in all kinds of ways. I love how EQ personalized my EP… My blu-ray of The Dark Knight Rises (ordered back in October) arrived!… EQ did an internet radio interview and I couldn’t listen to it live. The host asked him to give a shout out to me and HE DID!. He called me sweetheart and now it’s my text tone, which could be annoying to some but makes me giggle whenever I hear it.

So there it is, my year in review. 🙂