The All Blacks win

will you smile and take my hand

if I say the words
will you smile and take my hand
beginning as friends

the disco ball

We went to the crab feed in Livermore this evening. SO GOOD!!! It’s nice starting my weekend on Friday night. 🙂

I got my Twitter archive yesterday and out of curiosity I did a search on Ed Quinn’s twitter handle to see how many times I’ve mentioned him. OH MY GOODNESS. The number is HIGH. And of course I had to mention it. Just because. Today I saw that he had replied to a couple of people and I was a little miffed because I hadn’t seen anything from him to me. (Go on, slap me.) But I needn’t have worried.


It felt like the sweetest thing ever! I grinned when I saw it then felt touched by the thoughtfulness. 🙂

4 thoughts on “will you smile and take my hand

  1. LOL! Disco ball, huh? I seriously need to find places that do that here! Not the disco ball, the crab feed 😀

    I loved his reply to you! So sweet! Just a little jealous 😉 My Twitter archive was funny. I had more tweets in Nov, Dec, Jan, than all my other 19 months or so, LOL! And yes, a good 85-90% mentioned either Ed or Scott or both.

  2. The crab feed was fun! So much crab. I love when we don’t run out. LOL

    I loved his reply too. So simple yet makes me smile so much. 🙂

    My biggest month of tweets was last month. Over 700 tweets. WTF?! LOL

  3. I had EXACTLY 1000 Tweets for Dec & Jan, LOL! 444 in Dec and 556 in Jan, So that means about 800-900 tweets mentioning the guys. Too funny! Of too obsessed. Not sure which 😀 Okay, I just counted (well, Excel counted) how many tweets contain either Ed or Scott and surprisingly it’s only 321 for the entire archive. 350 if you throw Aleks in there. I feel a little better now 😉

  4. Not bad! I had way too many tweets containing Ed, more than your Ed/Scott combo combined. YIKES!

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