Happy Birthday to me! :D

let me face my days
with the promise of laughter
shining with such joy

Happy birthday to me!
my 3rd Captain & Coke

Even though I had to work, it was a good birthday! Probably one of the hottest (got up to 91°!) but since I was mostly in a/c all day, I can’t really complain. 😉 After work, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for Happy Hour and some MLB (A’s vs Yankees) and NBA (Knicks vs Celtics) action. My A’s won! The Knicks won! And later, the Cardinals won! A good day in sports for me! 😀

It was pretty awesome waking up to all the Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook. THANK YOU FAMILY & FRIENDS! Gotta love FB for that. Makes one feel special. 🙂 I also trolled a little for Twitter replies! I think my favorite one has to be this one:

Happy birthday to me!

Aleks Paunovic is a hoot! And sweet too. And funny. And kinda flirty. I like it! 😉 And if that wasn’t awesome enough, he also posted at my FB. Well gosh, how awesome is that?

Happy birthday to me!

I know, I’m kinda easy.

Also loved this one:
Happy birthday to me!

So sweet.

And with a little prodding from my fabulous OT, I got this one:
Happy birthday to me!

Awww. 🙂

After Buffalo Wild Wings and a quick stop at Best Buy, we wandered to City Park for the last bits of music from the Brentwood Concert Band:
Happy birthday to me!

All in all, a good day! 🙂