it’s a not a race
there’s no prize at the end
going over the top
just makes you crash
it’s not too cute
letting go of dignity
taking up desperation
disguised by adoration
it’s not the world
those slivers of attention
merely thoughts in passing
moments ever fleeting
Finally, the answer to a question!
I love Follow Friday (#FF) on twitter. It’s my chance to share my favorites with my followers and sometimes I even get my followers to follow those I follow. But mostly I use it as an opportunity to show my love for my favorites. Sometimes my #FFs retweet my tweet or favorite it. And sometimes, if I’m lucky, they actually reply to me. And I like it. I’m selfish like that. LOL
My love for the jazz vocalists showed itself thusly:
#FF musical lovelies @harryconnickjr @janemonheit @mattdusk @fawnfritzen @jonnyblu
— Valerie Noble (@walelia) May 31, 2013
I got replies from Fawn Fritzen (she really is quite a lovely singer!) and Matt Dusk (he’s amazing as well). And then I had totally forgotten Aleks Pauvonic and shot off a quick #FF and he replied back. He’s freakin’ adorable! I want to meet him!
But of course, my favorite reply was from Philip Winchester. The man uses few words and I find it oddly adorable. LOL
— Philip Winchester (@PhilipWinchest) May 31, 2013
Oh, and this one!
— Philip Winchester (@PhilipWinchest) May 31, 2013
Green eyes, of course…
Today was the last full day of school for the kids in our school district! Happy days ahead! Next week is finals then graduations, then weeks of summer break. I cannot wait! I don’t get an actual break (I’m a 12-month employee) but I will take days here and there to make long weekends. I love long weekends! I intend on enjoying the heck out of them too. 😉
After work we had dinner at Red Robin. I actually got to ride in the new car! I like it. So snazzy. And no, I haven’t driven it yet. I’ll drive it on Monday. 😉 Dinner was good. Drinks and a big burger, what more could you want?