this adventure needs you too

won’t you take my hand
this adventure needs you too
let’s fly to the stars


I watched just enough Strike Back to do a few screenshots. I’ve got issues. LOL

Yesterday I ordered a book on Amazon and it shipped today! It’s Foodist: Using Real Food and Real Science to Lose Weight Without Dieting by Darya Pino Rose. I have to say, I HATE DIETS and I don’t do them. Well, I did one once (Nutrisystem) and it did work (I lost weight from the food as well as walking everyday) but I gained what I lost soon after I stopped. And I’m usually quite skeptical of diet type talk from people, especially the ones who talk about eating healthy and organic and such. It’s freakin’ expensive to eat “healthy”! And life is short, so why not enjoy what I like to eat? I’ve been following Darya’s husband (Kevin Rose) throughout his career and so was a bit more open to her foodist talk. I recently read an excerpt from her book and it appealed to the logical side of me and I thought, why not give her book a go? I like her educational background and I like her writing. And I think I’m ready to look at food differently and perhaps even take advantage of the fact that I live in a town with a farmer’s market! 🙂 So we’ll see how it goes. I wouldn’t mind tips on cooking too…

I also ordered a case for my tablet. I’m kinda excited about that too! It should come the same day as the book. 😀

Aleks Paunovic has been added to my Follow Friday list and I was a little cheeky and asked for a hug when we meet. His reply:

I am such a fangirl! LOL And darn it, I had better meet him someday!

my Twitter cover photo

OOC = out of control = me