breathe in the silence

let’s give it a rest
shut out the chaos and noise
breathe in the silence

my black boots

thoughts aflutter

  • For two seconds today I thought it was Wednesday. What downer!
  • So Apple announced the new iPhones. I don’t feel utter longing. This is a good thing. All I want is iOS 7! NOW! But I must practice patience. Boo.
  • Email was down again at work but finally returned in the afternoon. Huzzah!
  • I really need to see a dentist. UGH.
  • Is it weird that I practice my pen name’s signature?
  • My friend is having her baby this week and her husband called her today to tell her what she could make for dinner. Are you serious? When I read that, a bunch of f-bombs came out of my mouth. I hope he was joking and I hope he realizes that he’s there to help her raise their child together, not be an added burden on her.
  • Seriously, WTF.
  • I’m still trying to figure out which story to write for National Novel Writing Month. I know November is a bit aways but I’ve got to start thinking about it now! I want to do things like outline the story. LOL
  • My car needs a wash, BADLY.

just because