standing by my side

can you remind me
why each breath feels right with you
standing by my side

salted caramel mocha frappuccino

Happy Birthday to Harry Connick Jr, Shane, & Sean. Happy Anniversary to the Hudsons! I hope you all celebrated this day with laughter and love!

on my mind now…

  • Men
    The more I hear about the trials and tribulations of my friends and the men in their lives, the more I realize how decidedly lucky I am that I have a wonderful husband. I don’t say it often but it’s the very truth of my life. I somehow managed to find a man who isn’t a douchebag or a deadbeat or a total moron. Thank all the divine beings out there! And besides my husband, I know plenty of lovely men from family to friends and otherwise. So when I hear about the assholes out there, it really hurts my heart for the women who have to deal with them. And it infuriates me when the women are my friends. Oh, and when children are involved. I do not think I will EVER understand men who REFUSE to do right by their children because of whatever bad feelings they may have for the mothers. “MEN,” if you want to be seen as real fathers, handle your goddamn business and support YOUR child. Otherwise, you are a failure and one day your child will look at you with contempt for the suffering you inflicted on his/her mother…
  • Women
    Don’t give up your very soul to a man who does not deserve it. Yes, relationships are a compromise and plenty of work, but it doesn’t mean you need to give up your essence to someone who doesn’t appreciate or deserve it. Be strong. For the love of yourself, please.
  • The salted caramel mocha frappuccino is rather DELICIOUS.
  • Under the Dome – Big Jim scares me. I knew he was going to kill the poor Dodi gal. But how stupid was she to tell him all that she did? And she knew she was done. I felt so bad for her… I actually want Junior to figure out his father’s deceptions. This show has got me all in knots if I’m here cheering for Junior. Dear me!… And thank goodness Julia is okay! And finally, someone else knows that Barbie didn’t shoot her!… Linda, so gullible! Why is she listening to Big Jim? Has she no gut feelings? Is she really such a goody goody? How can she turn so quick on Barbie after everything he has done for the town?… And I am glad Barbie didn’t plead guilty. He is guilty of one of the “charges” but not all the rest, so yeah, go him!… I can’t believe this show ends its season next week! Thank goodness, but how will they end it?!…
  • We watched some of the Apple announcement from yesterday. I just want iOS 7 now. Please. The new iPhones look pretty neat and if I was in the market for an upgrade, I’d probably get the 5s. Gold. It’s pretty. But the slate looking one could tempt me too. 😉 If I was a user of another OS, I’m not sure there would be anything that would make me want to switch. I think I’d really like a bigger iPhone. You know, more screen! 😉
