a whisper will do

this time
a whisper will do
your hand in mine
lending an air
of strength
resting at the core

kitsch in battleship
looking fierce… kitsch in battleship

What is it about Saturdays that makes me SO LAZY? It probably doesn’t help that I went to bed sometime in the two o’clock hour, I’m sure. Oh well! Just before I went to sleep, I skimmed through a movie Henry Cavill early in his career, Hellraiser: Hellbound. So young! I did some screencaps, including the one below.

hot damn, hot kiss!… Henry in Hellraiser: Hellbound

I don’t think I’ll ever watch the movie all the way through. I didn’t even have the sound on when I was doing screencaps. Is that wrong? LOL

Chatted with my sister this morning for almost two hours! It was great just talking about stuff. I miss my sister. I wish her family lived here. I love hearing about my niece and how she’s thriving and inquisitive and eager to learn. It’s so awesome… Rugby Sevens was on today! I watched a bunch of matches, including the All Blacks and ending with the USA Eagles. All the teams I wanted to win won, I think. It was just nice to watch. Kinda revving me up for Super Rugby, which starts next month. Glorious!…

TV stuff
Enlisted – I just love this show. It’s funny and kinda sweet and I LOVE seeing Geoff Stults do his thing. I hope it does well because I would not mind seeing more of it…

Sherlock – Series 3 has begun for the US. So far only the first episode has aired, so I’ll just talk about that… This is a BRILLIANT show. Everyone should watch it and bear witness to the magnificent performances by Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. They are INCREDIBLE as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. They have a great chemistry that plays so well with the awesome material. WATCH THIS SHOW… “The Empty Hearse” deals with Sherlock coming back after two years away with nearly everyone thinking him dead. Poor Watson has had to mourn his friend and has found some happiness with his new lady, Mary. I still don’t have any idea how he pulled off the fake death but that’s the beauty of the show. WATCH SHERLOCK!!!

I don’t know if getting to the end of screencapping Savages has anything to do with it but I am now stalling on the story starring Taylor Kitsch as the main male character. Instead, I’ve gone back to the story that I was writing before the TK inspired one. WTH?! Why can’t my brain figure out a whole story and just focus on that? Perhaps my problem is that one is a short story and the other is turning into a novella. Maybe? Maybe.

Oh look, Savages is on.