lighting the heart

how long to wait
eager to know
needing to feel
reaching the point
yet standing still

connected without words
alive and awake
vowing to reveal
in due time
love’s fire within
lighting the heart

Henry as Charles Brandon
Henry as Charles Brandon

Happy New Year! What a spectacularly lazy day! It’s been quite grand. Watched tv, wrote a little, took a nap, watched more tv. I’m probably going to stay up until the early morning hours or maybe until the hubby wakes up to go to work. We’ll see.

Holli says Happy New Year!

I made no New Year’s resolutions. Maybe I just want to see where the days will take me this year and not worry about fulfilling some arbitrary list whipped up on a whim. Here are the things I’ve decided to do:

  • 1. Post one photo a day – I think I’ve ditched doing anything fancy and will continue to just post pictures from my phone. It’s always on me, so why not? 😉
  • 2. Write one poem a day – I don’t think I can really stop this one. I might not post one every single day but I will post a year’s worth. 🙂
  • 3. Say I Love You every day – This is a new one but one that I think I already do. Still, I want to remind myself to say it every day and be mindful of it.

Pretty simple list, eh? Not exactly resolutions but positive pieces that invite creativity, observation, and joy. 🙂