reach for me

this can’t be denied
a whisper
your touch
longing for more
once just once
reach for me

Henry as Charles
Henry as Charles

I had a dream about Greg Lee last night. I had posted a collage of Taylor Kitsch from Battleship and his look reminded me of Greg. Anyhoo, my dream was Dark Angel related, like his character, Zack, was coming back after remembering his past life. I thought it was strange that I dreamt of him but then one of his friends posted a reminder about Justified coming back and Greg being on it TONIGHT! So maybe that’s why I dreamt of him. Like how my mind works?

Kitsch (and a little bit of Skarsgard) in Battleship

My blu-ray of Immortals arrived today!!! Why am I so excited about a movie I’ve seen a few time already? HENRY!!!

I’m so easy.

Now it’s time to write a little…