stop me
upend me
lace my dreams with
light and longing
invite me
veil me
against this
never ending chaos
My Crusaders are playing right now. They’re SO CLOSE to scoring right now but the Stormers’ defense is like a freakin’ wall right now! COME ON!… Now they’re looking at the last breakdown. Oh gee.
We didn’t go to the movies tonight. We’re going tomorrow night. MUST SEE SULLY with his six pack! No, that’s not the only reason I want to see the movie. Not really. 😉 But it’s a great incentive. I promise to write my thoughts on the movie after I see it and not just about Sully… Tomorrow is also the husband’s birthday! Oh, if I stay awake until midnight, I can FB him. LOL… Sunday we’re going to Wizard World Sacramento Comic Con. CHRIS HEMSWORTH is going to be there!!! I won’t get to get a picture with him (his photo op price is ASGARDIAN aka out of this world) but he will have a Q & A or talking session, so we’ll likely sit in on that. It’ll just be awesome to be in the same room as him. LOL I’d love to run into him on the floor but I’m sure he’ll be surrounded by security or something…
I had a crazy full day of work today and my boss wasn’t even there the whole day! I had letters to print, labels to print then stick on envelopes. Then I had to fold the letters and put them in the envelopes then run them all through the postage machine. I did nearly two hundred letters and envelopes. Good times!
Damn, the Stormers tied it. 3 all. Bah. Almost half time.
I’m still disheartened by this Joe Manganiello twitter thing. Bah.