can we have another moment vested in promise intricate and sweeping lose ourselves in laughter SO SAD about Almost Human. WHY?! 🙁
heaven in one note
keep me here inside your heart the tickle of laughter soft like a breeze catching such sweet heaven in one note solace in the Shiraz Two glasses of […]
yearning ever full and sweet
the whisper of your touch against my skin yearning ever full and sweet lingering with satisfaction or promise soon fulfilled ready to release Taylor Kitsch as John Carter
Spent lunchtime with #TaylorKitsch as John Carter #HAFH
Guess I can’t get enough of him.
sunday musings
knotted inconsolable twisted silent caught haunted Kitsch in Friday Night Lights We finished Friday Night Lights last night. Such a well done series. I’m glad I watched it […]
havoc awaits
Two poems since I didn’t write yesterday: Poem #1: the emptiness strangles aching inside yet the outside so calm lies to the soul oh just once release this […]
#TaylorKitsch in #FNL… Those pretty eyes… #HAFH
As Tim Riggins in the last season of Friday Night Lights