poem #1
the sun will rise
a light starting low
yonder out of reach
lifting the darkness
over sleepy dreams
restless until daylight
poem #2
kneeling here
tempered by humility
stymied by such despair
catch hold of this sliver
hope cannot be far
It’s funny how you still remember the words to a song you haven’t heard in ages. Case in point, The Jets song “Anytime.” I LOVED this song when I was a teenager. Totally went with my whole unrequited love phase of life aka my teen years. LOL I’d sing this song, thinking of that one boy I liked at that moment and wonder if that “anytime” would happen. Ahh, youth. 😉
I didn’t write last night. Stayed up to watch my Crusaders LOSE to a South African side (the Sharks), something that hasn’t happened since 2001. It was pretty bad because the Sharks were only playing with 14 men (one of their players got red carded about 16 minutes into the match) and then towards the end of the game, while they still had a chance, a different Sharks player got sin binned. So DAMN! I guess that’s why the Sharks are at the top of the table. Sucks for my Crusaders… And it seemed that every rugby match I watched this weekend had some kind of scuffle, like the boys were all chippy for some reason. One more match tonight. Let’s see if it’s without a fight. 😉
I got to FaceTime with my baby niece today! I got to hear her fuss and cry and see her smile and cry. It was wonderful! Eventually she slept a bit and I got her her sleepy noises too. SO ADORABLE.
Later I got a few minutes with the big girl niece. LOL She had her last soccer game today and scored FIVE goals! So proud. And doesn’t she look ADORABLE in her uniform? SO ADORABLE!
I love my nieces so much. I cannot wait to meet the baby one in person. Someday!
I was skimming through my stories last night before the Crusaders came on and I still like my last National Novel Writing Month novel. The 2012 one makes me wrinkle my nose for some reason. Maybe it’s because of who inspired that particular story. I still ADORE the 2013 NaNoWriMo fella (Henry), so maybe that’s why I still like the story. Or maybe it’s just better. LOL I wonder if Kitsch will make the cut for the next NaNoWriMo novel in my head. I want to finish the one I’m doing now before I start to even think of November’s novel…