somewhere close temptation awaits

poem #1
you think it’s easy
pretending not to feel this
longing deep inside

poem #2
do you feel my breath
the promise in my whispers
warm against your skin

poem #3
won’t you let me go
release me from this darkness
these ashes of love

poem #4
when you close your eyes
just reach out and take my hand
dream along with me

poem #5
somewhere close
passion unbidden
longing impatient
ever constant
this desire
open and beckoning
needing release

the Strike Back boys as the G2 lockscreen

I’ve been “pre-writing” my National Novel Writing Month novel. It just means I’m cheating a bit but let’s just go with me getting to know my characters by writing some of their scenes. I know I shouldn’t but there’s only so much outline writing I can do. My characters are demanding release!

Sully as Yuri in an episode of Rush

I’ve been working on my next Listworthy post to keep me distracted from my NaNoWriMo. Of course, the subject of my Listworthy also plays the male character of my story. So not sure if the distraction is actually working. LOL I’m hoping to get the post out this weekend. We shall see.

a pitcher in the World Series

The World Series is tied. Good for them! And my interest sparks a bit when that young pitcher is on the mound. Okay, so I’m “smitten” as someone mentioned. 😉 I think he just reminds me of the times I loved those other pitchers I loved back in the day. I’m reminded how much I just love pitchers! LOL

Henry Cavill and a baby

And how cute is that? Every pic I see of him with that baby just makes me melt. Ye gods! LOL