the rush and the thrill of you

one day I’ll forget
the rush and the thrill of you
as you haunt my dreams

the boys – Strike Back

It’s a given that the pictures I feature in my posts usually have NOTHING to do with 1) the poem before or 2) the words I might write afterwards, right? If you’re a regular reader (wait, do I have those?) then you know this to be true. Heck, MAYBE the only thing you see is the picture and that’s dandy by me. Must spread the LOVE for my fellas and Strike Back. (Because more often than not, my pics are screenshots from Strike Back.)

As 2014 begins to wind down, I cannot help but consider some resolutions. I don’t like making them because I’m a great breaker of them but sometimes it’s fun to hit start on something new and what better than the beginning of a new year?

So let’s try some and see how I do…

  • Keep The Same Number One – I am considering trying to go the WHOLE year with the same fella topping my List. I suppose I should make a decision on who that will be (but really, you already know, right?). Anyhoo, I’ve decided I don’t like switching Number Ones so haphazardly. I’m going to stick with the same one for the whole year. Think I can do it?
  • Write More Short Stories – I wrote three last year that I think are pretty decent. It’s become obvious to me that I can only seem to do longer form stories for National Novel Writing Month so that rest of the time, I think I should work on short stories. Not sure if I can crack out of the whole romance genre but I figure the more I write, the better I’ll be. Plus writing a short story just seems to take the pressure off.
  • Read More Books – This is a constant for me and one that I always seem to fail. I go into the year all geared up to read more then I don’t. I’m lazy. But what’s lazier than reading all day long? Perhaps I should add that I should read longer books as opposed to the fast romance novels (which actually help with the writing but that’s just me).

Okay, I’ll stop there. I’ll be lucky if I can keep those. LOL