TWITL – week twelve – seeing @TylerRichMusic again #TylerRich

write me a song
give me a line
make me fall in love
deeper than this
write me a song
pour out your heart
confess you feel more
beyond just this
write me a song
surrender yourself
let go of never
grab hold of this
write me a song
slow the exhale
pause my heart
just to remember this

with Tyler Rich
with Tyler on Tuesday night…

I had most of this past week off (only went to work on Thursday) so that I could see Tyler on Tuesday. Sometimes things just work out and the timing is just right and what can be more right than being able to see Tyler during spring break? It was also a great way to distract ourselves from the fact that Holli was gone and it’s still hard to be in the house without her…

We decided ahead of time that we’d stay the night in Rohnert Park at one of the local budget hotels. It’s just about five minutes from the casino! Ha! We arrived at the G Bar before Tyler and ended up leaving after him, something new for us. LOL


Tyler’s sets were relaxed. He sat (which I’d never seen him do) and he sounded pretty amazing. He always does, of course, but his voice was especially great that night. I know it’s not his favorite place to be but for me, sitting there so close to him and watching him sing is just one of my happy places. I know someday he won’t play those quiet nights for us so I savor every song. Whenever he comes over to say hello, I know that I’m pretty lucky as a fan to have those moments.

Between sets, the husband asked Tyler if he ever performs “Brothers” (hubby’s favorite song from Tyler’s EP). Tyler said he hadn’t but I could have sworn he had somewhere. He told us that he might have the notes for the song and he’d look for them so he could play it. He eventually found the song and played it for us. And he sounded GREAT! Add the song to your repertoire, Tyler! (ETA: And apparently he did because he played it this weekend during one of his Los Angeles shows!)

It was a good night. I enjoyed watching Tyler and chatting with him. He sounded great and I loved all the songs he sang. When we said out goodbyes, I asked if he’d be around on May 3rd. At first he said no then he thought about it and said yes so if that holds true then I might see him again on my birthday! Fingers crossed, my lovelies…



BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE – I watched the first showing of the IMAX 3D version. No regrets!…

I confess, I went into this movie HATING that Ben Affleck was cast as Batman. I’m not a diehard for any actor’s portrayal of the Caped Crusader but I just thought there were more dashing choices for Batman. I’ve liked Affleck in plenty of other movies but I just rolled my eyes every time a commercial played with him as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Well, I’m woman enough to admit that I was WRONG and he was pretty damn good in the movie. I totally got his version of Batman and understood how he could have been drawn to the path paved in the movie. He played it well and I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I look forward to more of him in the future. Y’all just don’t know how much it’s killing me to admit all of that…

Henry was amazing, as always. I guess there are people out there who still don’t like him as Superman but I LOVE him as Clark Kent/Superman. I will read the criticisms of his portrayal but I do not believe in them. I know I grew up with Christopher Reeve as the Superman of “my” generation but Henry Cavill is MY Superman. He’s just that good to me…

I was glad to see the chemistry between Amy Adams and Henry as Lois Lane and Clark Kent was more believable this time. I’m glad we skipped all the relationship growing pains and in this they are a couple in love who understand one another. Part of Superman’s strength is derived from his relationships with his mother and his lady love and I’m glad both those relationships were intact…

If I hated Affleck’s casting of Batman, I was EXCITED about Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. I went in hoping she had a good chunk of plot and although I wanted more, I am more than pleased with her parts in the movie. Gal is BEAUTIFUL and strong and I just LOVED every moment she was on-screen. And her interactions with Bruce Wayne were on the sizzling side. When they’re all together for the Justice League, I would not mind more little hints about Wonder Woman and Batman…

Oh, and how did I like the movie? Well, I liked it a lot. I was frustrated through a lot of it because I just couldn’t figure out Lex Luthor (and truthfully, I feel as though they skipped some key background info on him) and his intentions. But I didn’t mind being frustrated. I like feeling anything during a movie and I suppose frustration will have to do. I wasn’t bored, as some commented on an article I read. Even though the movie clocks in at 2 hours and thirty minutes, I didn’t feel as though it dragged too much. I will watch it again, maybe more than once…