The All Blacks win

TWITL – week twenty-five

shining ever bright
perhaps this is how love feels
deep within the heart

with the one and only at the A’s game last Tuesday

We went to the A’s game! Our friends had a suite and invited us so yes, we got to live the suite life once more. As always, good times! Even better was the fact that the A’s won! WOOHOO! The hubby tweeted a picture of the back of my jersey and Mark Mulder replied! Awwwww!


It’s the little things, truly.

Thank you to J & T for inviting us to the game. We had fun!

Game of Thrones – OH. MY. GOODNESS. What a season finale! It was so good. It was crazy and amazing and filled with holy crap moments. And of course I loved it! My favorite moments (SPOILERS, so beware!):

  • R + L = J – I have personally believed this oft cited fan theory since the beginning. It makes sense even though it’s crazy in itself because what does it mean for Jon Snow? Will he ever learn the truth? And really, is there any question who his father is now? (Well, maybe since we didn’t hear what Lyanna told Ned. Grrr!) We know that yes, Jon is very much a Stark. But enough to be crowned King of the North? It doesn’t matter, that little Lady Mormont took care of that. (Love that little girl!!! When she grows up, can she and Jon make a go of it?)
  • Arya – Speaking of a badass young lady, WOW! She is just full on assassin now, isn’t she? Who’s even left on her list now?!
  • Cersei – What has she done?! I get it, REVENGE and all of that. She was humiliated and she wanted to have her day. But all those people! Still, watching the High Sparrow turn into green fire then explode was a weird and morbid treat. But I was SO SAD about Margaery. I was hoping to see more of Natalie Dormer. She’s magnificent!… But Cersei, what now? You have power but at the cost of everything. And what will Jaime do now
  • Dany – She’s on her way “home”! How is Westeros going to react to her? Who will she fight first? Who could she even marry to bring stability to the Seven Kingdoms? And will she realize the true fight will be against the Night King and the White Walkers?

I can’t believe we have to wait a year for the next season. Will the latest book come out before then? Maybe I should re-read them. Or re-watch the show. LOL

Penny Dreadful – This show was so dark and creepy and beautiful. Eva Green was absolutely AMAZING as Vanessa Ives. Go watch it if you can…


“The Arrangement” – This story is starting to form into something more than just bits and pieces of stuff I’ve previously written. Not sure if I’m going short story or novella with it quite yet. Henry Cavill plays the fella in the story and it makes me think I need to watch something Cavill soon. Hmmm… I’ve started a scene borrowing characters from my Sam Hunt inspired story which I think is my way of trying to finish THAT story as well. LOL We’ll see how it goes…


  • Brexit – What the hell, UK?! No seriously, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?! I don’t think I’ve read so much news in the past few days but I’ve been morbidly fascinated by the results of the UK referendum. Fascinated and a bit alarmed!…
  • Family stuff – A new baby was born yesterday. Welcome to the world, little one! Hope it treats you well.
  • Work – I had two days off this past week so it’s going to be tough working the full four and half days this week. BUT I do have the week of the 4th of July off from work, so I’m not really complaining or anything. PROMISE.
  •  We didn’t see Tyler this past week (alas!) and the next time he’s around will be July 8th in Sacramento. Fingers crossed we get to go! I would LOVE to see him perform with a band behind him. How exciting will that be?! When was the last time I didn’t see him within a month’s time? Yikes!
  • Summer is here and YE GODS with the current temperatures. This is probably the only time I miss living closer to the Bay because triple digits temperatures just don’t do it for me. Nope, not at all! At least it’s a dry heat is my only real comfort. Oh, and kickass air conditioning.
  • The tattoo is healing quite nicely. And I still love it. A lot.