I oftentimes envy the ones I know who live in Nashville and get to listen to live country music on any given night. So when I got the chance to watch some country music in action here in my part of the world, I think it’s awesome! 🙂
THURSDAY – As mentioned in my last post, we saw Tyler perform at the G-Bar. I overheard him tell someone that he had just played the whole set for his performance the next night (and in order!). So it was a nice prelude to Friday night for sure. I know I’ve said this before but I do love the intimacy of the G-Bar gigs. It’s relaxed and easy. Tyler might not enjoy it as much as we do but I’m still glad we can see him like this. I love just sitting there listening to him even though I have gotten to know some of the other regulars and it’s great visiting with them too. But really, I’m there for Tyler and I love being able to chat a little with him and the hugs. Oh the hugs!
FRIDAY – Concerts in the Park, Sacramento! Tyler was the headliner with a band playing behind him. A new experience for me! Although I’ve seen him perform on stage, this was the first time I’d be seeing him with a band. So exciting! And SO AWESOME!
sporting my new Tyler Rich hat and looking serious?
I wasn’t sure if I’d get to see Tyler and say hello to him (which is one of the reasons I wanted to see him at the G-Bar) but we got lucky because he was outside the backstage area before the show so I went over to say hello to him. Of course! Got my hug and my picture with him and told him to have fun. I was so glad I was able to see him before the show. I knew I wasn’t going to go to the after-party at the Goldfield so I was hoping I’d see him before the concert in the park.
I didn’t want to look at the merchandise table but I did and saw the Tyler customized Wallet Buckle. I just had to buy it! It’s so cool. It’ll be fun to wear.
Before the show, I also took the opportunity to say hello and introduce myself to Tyler’s friend, James Cavern. (Go get his EP Lost & Found!) I told him how I loved his EP and that I had seen him perform with Tyler last year. He was lovely and I probably should have taken a picture with him. I’m sure I’ll regret it later. But seriously, check out his music, he’s pretty awesome.
Tyler performing with a band is just an amazing thing! He sounded great. The band sounded great. It was an exhilarating time. I LOVED being able to sing along with the crowd to his songs. I was lucky and found a couple of friends I’d made online and this was the first time we’d seen each other in person. It was great to share the moment with people who love Tyler just as much as I do.
(Aside: The only annoying thing about the experience were the young women who just shoved their way up front without regard to the people who were already there. Yes, I was a bit guilty of the same thing but at least we did it before Tyler started. It was most annoying to have a girl in front of me who was taller and liked shaking her hair out. When she leaned back to far, I pushed her forward and she had the nerve to look back at me. I didn’t say a word to her. But seriously, you stand in front of me and then want to lean back? Just NO.)
At the end of it, I was so glad to have been there. Tyler was amazing on stage, full of energy and sass, soaking up the love and giving it back to us tenfold. He makes me so glad to be part of his journey. I just love him and his music.
Bonus: On the way home, stopped off at the Lodi Buffalo Wild Wings on the off chance that our favorite bartender, Hunter, would be working. And lo, he was! Sat at the bar and got to chat with him in his new place. Like the set-up of the bar though the whole place is smaller than our BWW. It was great to see Hunter again…
SATURDAY – The Harvest Time Festival here in Brentwood was at City Park, which meant we could walk, which we did. We spent most of the day out in the sunshine and nicely cool breeze (especially in the shade). Toree McGee played in the late morning/early afternoon. It’s always a treat seeing her. She’s got a great voice and a good band behind her. I finally bought her EP and after one spin wondered what took me so long to buy it!
Loved the festival. It wasn’t too crowded, the vendors had a lot of space. There was corn! SO GOOD! And there was Filipino food and of course, I just had to get some. Lumpia and adobo, yum! We did hit the bars for a bit before going back to walk more, eat more, and listen to the Long Duck Dongs. 80s music!
Being outside and listening to good music was a great way to round out my week off from work. For all the tragic things that have happened recently, it makes the good times great…