the whisper of the chill
fleeting for the moment
the longing for the cold
seemingly so out of reach
the silent plea for rest
willing to touch the darkness
can’t we fall just a little bit
linger somewhere in between
just enough to want again
the solace of warm light
Out here in my part of California, students attend school on a modified traditional schedule. This means that they have shorter summers but get two weeks off after every quarter– the usual winter break (December) along with fall break (October) and spring break (March). We are in the middle of fall break and as a twelve month employee, it’s easier to take time off during the breaks than not, so this time around I’m taking a long weekend in the middle. I started my weekend on Thursday and have been enjoying mostly lazy days. Love it!
I had of course planned my days off around Tyler’s G Bar schedule. We were going to go on Thursday but instead headed out on Friday. Tyler had been sick earlier in the week and was still not feeling well though I thought he sounded fine even if he didn’t think so.
with Tyler Friday night/Saturday morning
As always, it was great to see him and talk with him. He shared some little cupcakes with us (soo good!). I showed him my guitar pick necklace and mentioned that I needed another one for the other side of it and he said he knew someone who could take care of that. Then he reached into his pocket and gave me another pick. Gosh, I adore him. He’s so sweet…
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I was so glad my friends showed up towards the end of the night. It seemed liked ages since I’d seen them! We didn’t get to talk much but the few minutes we had were lovely.
Sullivan Stapleton on Blindspot
Pre-National Novel Writing Month – So I’ve utilized the twitter poll function a couple of times in regards to my upcoming NaNoWriMo story (Rebound). So far it’s come down to a “sweet” romance (or one in which the steamy bits are better left to the imagination) with the main fella played by Sullivan Stapleton and the ex’s name being Carter. I’m still trying to figure out how much the ex plays in the story. I think in the main fella’s mind, the ex is a huge part of the main lady’s life. I think the big challenge for me will be to make the story less steamy. I will have to rely on other means to express the attraction, I suppose. It’ll be fun to figure out.
The Arrangement – Finished! But it needs so much editing. I think I’ll let it sit for a while then come back to it and re-read it all the way through and see what needs to be added or deleted or revised. The story is over 60K words and I really loved the characters. Some of the motivation might seem weak though so I need to tighten up on that for sure. I had a great time writing it.
Jacob Davis Squad Anniversary Gift Exchange
I belong to an amazing group of fans brought together by our love for Jacob Davis. For our first anniversary as the JDSquad, a gift exchange was arranged. I received mine this week and how much do I love all of it? I LOVE IT ALL! Coasters and pictures of my main three (Sam Hunt, Tyler Rich, Jacob Davis), Texas stuff (so cute!), a headband that I’m so going to wear– all in an awesome box made just for me! I am so grateful to be part of such an awesome group for such a wonderful artist. I love how we’ve gotten to know each other in the group and a lot of them have met each other and Jacob. It’s such a wonderful and beautiful thing that we have. The power of music indeed…
Off the top – I wonder sometimes the audacity of people who make assumptions from their own suggestions. Just because you suggest it doesn’t mean it’s true. How many times does someone needs to say, no, it’s not going to happen before you believe it?… I feel like this election season is a test and we’re failing. Our lives, our country, our very humanity is worth more than the drivel and trash thrown out there. Politics is a dirty business to be sure but if you really care about this country, GO VOTE. Whatever your voice, USE IT. And that’s all I’m going to say about that… I miss my Holli dog so much. I get these throwbacks from various places I upload my photos and there’s usually a shot of Holli or Saffy in them. I miss Holli the most because she was the one who left us last and there isn’t another dog here to fill the void. I miss Holli and the way she greeted us at the door, the way she napped on my lap or sometimes beside me with her nose in my hair. I miss her big brown eyes and the way her paws slapped the floor when she walked. I miss just sitting with her…