The All Blacks win

TWITL – week forty-five – middle of #NaNoWriMo

I’m still mostly on pace for 50K for November and woefully behind on my self imposed goal of 60K for the month. My characters want to move faster than I want so I need to rein them in a little if I want to make the proper word count. I’m also at the point where I’m thinking, WHAT AM I WRITING?! Does it even make any sense? Am I giving my characters enough time to develop? Is there too much talking and not enough action? And lastly, why did I give myself limits on what I will do with the characters?

freshly cut bangs
freshly cut bangs

Got the bangs cut earlier today. I ADORE my stylist. She’s so sweet and she always does a great job. She even curled my hair just because. 🙂

We visited my grandfather’s grave for Veteran’s Day. I’m glad that we live close enough to visit him whenever we wish. It’s peaceful there and he has a nice spot.

I think I have election fatigue. Is that a thing? Part of me thinks it’s great that people are more aware and are sharing their opinion. The other part of me just wants people to be nice to each other, regardless of their political leanings. BE NICE, DAMN IT!!!

Sullivan Stapleton