TWITL – week seventeen – family & fellas (@simonkass / @tylerrichmusic)

Let’s see how many of the many things in my head will come out in this post…

Simon Kassianides on Agents of SHIELD

Simon Kassianides – Simon was Agents of SHIELD this week! Having recently seen his character’s demise back in season two made seeing Bakshi again such a relief. I’m still hopelessly behind on the show but I figured out the gist of how his character is back. It would ROCK if somehow, someway, he could make it back into the “real” world. Fingers crossed? Anything can happen, right? Otherwise, get this man his own show! When it happens, I am so there. PROMISE.

Sully on Blindspot
Mmmm, Sully…

Sullivan Stapleton – Blindspot came back this week. Thank goodness! I definitely needed my Sully fix, I tell ya! Of course, another good episode of Blindspot. I watch the show live with commercials, because that is how much I ADORE Sully. Think he appreciates it? If he knew, I bet he would.

Erik Thomson on Pacific Drive
Erik back in the day on Pacific Drive

Erik Thomson – Yes, I still keep track of my Xena/Herc fellas. This week Erik celebrated his 50th birthday! Where has the time gone? The photo above was from his days on an Aussie show called Pacific Drive. I didn’t “discover” him until Xena or Hercules (I think it was Hercules first) as Hades. He and Kevin Smith (“Ares”) were pretty much the reason I started going online to find like minded fans. Loved those early days and wish I could watch his current show now. I’ll have to find a way. 😉

Me & Tyler
When we met two years ago…

Tyler Rich – Today marks two years since the first time Tyler and I met in person. I still remember it like it was yesterday. The excitement, the nerves, the joy. And that was just meeting him while waiting in line to get into the show! Later, standing so close to the stage and having him perform with just the microphone, guitar, and his voice, I was utterly mesmerized. I said it last year and I’ll say it again– I know I’ve been lucky to have seen him so many times during these past two years and I absolutely treasure each and every one of those times. I cannot wait to see what new music he brings us. It’s going to all be so amazing! I’m looking forward to that first #1 hit!

Yesterday was the First Communion of my niece. Such a lovely ceremony filled with the kind of goodness you’d expect. The kids were so adorable with their dresses and suits. Even though I don’t go to church now except for such events, I enjoyed it. It’s interesting to me how much the church has changed throughout the years yet some things stay the same. Also, I’m not used to Jesus being fully clothed on the cross. I guess this particular church uses the Risen Christ.

After church, we headed to my cousin’s house for lots of food and conversation. ALWAYS my favorite part of family parties. I chatted with my uncle and cousins and family friends. I drank a little wine and ate a lot of food. It was great…

My birthday is on Wednesday! I’m going to troll my fellas online and see who will say Happy Birthday to me. Isn’t that silly? But hey, I get my sunshine where I can. 😉

I am quite determined to get my next tattoo on my birthday or close to it. It will be the honu and silver fern. I’ll let the artist figure out how to interpret my wish. I’m open to someone else’s creativity. It will probably be the most creative tattoo on my body, next to my wrist one…