TWITL – week twenty-four

his dreams
bring escape
in a voice
in a touch
he doesn’t know
why this longing
beckons him
whispering promises
with no one to share
his dreams

We’re in the midst of triple digit days. We started the week with lovely cool weather but now and for the next few days, we’re supposed to be HOT. NOT digging it at all.

Strike Back
it might be time to watch some Strike Back

Sullivan Stapleton and my dad have the same birthday! What are the chances of that? No seriously, what are the chances? I edited a couple of screenshots to wish Sully a happy birthday. Wonder if he saw them. Does he look at stuff when fans tag him?

American Gods – This show is aces! Everything about it just intrigues me. I wonder if I should read the book but part of me likes not knowing what’s going on. I’ll get to the book sometime, I’m sure…

I keep buying music. I was even gifted a song this weekend! Latest on my playlist:

  • Luke Combs- This One’s for You – New album by a new artist. His song “Hurricane” came out last year and his album was just released.
  • Danielle Bradbery – “Sway” – new single that I just had to buy.  It’s catchy!
  • Spencer Crandall- “I Thought We Broke Up” – He’s friends with Tyler but he frustrates me on the social media front because he’s the kind who follows then unfollows. He did that to me NUMEROUS times but when he actually didn’t unfollow me, I followed back. Then guess what, he eventually unfollowed me. So I unfollowed him. Anyhoo, the song is actually pretty good. It’s categorized as country but I bet if I played it for you without telling you it was country, you wouldn’t automatically categorize it as country…
  • Michael Ray – “Get to You” – This song was gifted to me and I like it!

The power went out for a little bit the other night when it was still pretty hot. It came back on before an hour passed, thank goodness… Our department had lunch on Friday at Cap’s. I had the seafood with spinach risotto and it was so good!… Tyler played in his hometown of Yuba City on Saturday night. I wish I could have been there! It seems like forever since I’ve seen him. Alas…