TWITL – week ten – daylight savings time

We changed the time today and oh how glad I am that I took a nap yesterday. As much as I love spring, I dread “spring forward” because my head cannot let go of the notion that I’m “losing” that hour. I like having that hour! Can we just agree on one thing and go with it? If I get a vote, I go for Standard Time not Daylight Savings Time. Even without changing the time, the days have been getting longer. So why change?…

Sully & Luke
Sullivan Stapleton and Luke Mitchell on Blindspot

I need to watch the latest Blindspot ep to get the story on the above picture. But isn’t it damn cute?! Damn cute.

We went to the Farmers Market again yesterday and I had three drinks again. Two mimosas and one beer. Not bad for me! The mimosas were delicious! But the truly constructive thing was that we bought all the ingredients we needed to cook in our crock pot. We bought all our produce at the farmers market and then our meat at Brentwood Fine Meats. I love shopping locally!

Orange Dream
Orange Dream mimosa

Thor Ragnorak – The hubby surprised me by ordering this movie and it delivered this week. OMG, such a good movie! It was funny and adventuresome and Karl Urban was good in it. I loved it a lot because even though the events are serious, the humor made it fun. There was a great balance. Also, it looks great in 4K.

Justice League – We ordered this movie and expected it to arrive on Tuesday (the day it’s supposed release at the stores). We received it on Friday! So of course, had to watch it. So gorgeous in 4K. I enjoyed watching it again and lo, Henry Cavill!

Something I'm going to probably watch in the future

So Gina Torres’ new show was ordered. Exciting! I’m mostly excited because Simon Kassianides is going to be on the show. It’ll be pretty cool to watch him on a weekly show. I’m sure I’ll do screenshots and share them online because that’s what I like to do. I wonder what accent he’ll use…


So it still bothers me that I’m blocked by that woman I mentioned a few weeks ago. I know I should just let it go but whenever he says something sweet and positive about her, it just rankles me. It really makes me wonder a little about him and if he thinks it’s all right that she has deliberately blocked me, a fan of his and someone who was never out of line with him or her. If her account was private then I wouldn’t have even bothered to follow her but it wasn’t. Her account is public because she’s a model and of course she has to have a social media presence. So she blocked me from viewing her public account for no other reason than she doesn’t like having a fan of her boyfriend following her. What’s funny is that if an Instagram friend of mine searches for her, that friend would see that I’m following her. Yet I cannot see this woman’s profile. I don’t care that I don’t have to see her but it seriously annoys me that she blocked me FOR NO REASON. (And really, if I want to see her profile, I have other ways of looking at it.) When will I let go of this annoyance?

Sully on Blindspot