TWITL – week twelve – so it’s spring now

For the longest time, spring was my favorite season. It means baseball, sunshine, cool breezes, and life blooming. Super rugby has already started and summer is on the horizon with its concert season and lazy days. I loved spring and scoffed at the other seasons.


I still love spring but I’ve come to appreciate our autumns and winters. Summer is too hot and seems to drag and when I’m in it, it feels as though I’ll never get to wear my hoodies and boots again. Winter never seems long enough and I’ve started to savor the cold days that are sometimes gray and rainy. Winter is fleeting in some ways. It’s probably where we live. I don’t really have need to complain about our weather. I have friends who live in other parts of the country who experience more extremes that I know I’d not like.

The calendar says it’s spring time now but we’ve had more cloudy days than not this week as well as glorious rain. We need the rain. I don’t mind. I don’t mind wearing my boots and my hoodies and I shall be resigned when I must switch to flats and sandals. Ah well…

The Difference - Tyler Rich
Charlee & Abby in Tyler’s video “The Difference”

Y’all need to go watch Tyler Rich’s video for his single “The Difference.” It is SO GOOD! Maybe I’m biased because 1) I love the song, 2) I love Tyler, 3) I love Sabina, 4) I love doggies. But besides all of that, the video is so sweet and sexy and lovely and perfect. The love you see in that video is real and true and it just fills my heart. The look Sabina gives Tyler is exactly the look I saw on her face the first time we met and were watching Tyler perform. True love’s glow right there. It’s one of the reasons I adore her. She’s truly the sweetest soul and I’m so glad she’s in his first video along with their doggies. Abby ROCKED it. Loved her little nod at Tyler towards the end, as if to say, “Yes, go back to her.” (She had to be teased with a treat to do that nod, I’m told.) So give it view or two or three. It’s really a good song and the video will make you love the song more…

(If you can’t see the video above, click on this => The Difference)

HOME STATE – Jordan Davis – The album is finally available! Click on the link to listen or buy at your favorite digital retailer… I’m going to say this now– HOME STATE is on its way to becoming one of my favorite records. I’m spent a lot of the weekend listening to it. I already love it and not just because I knew six of the songs before they landed on this album. I’m so glad that my music friends led me to him. I hope I do the same for others…