TWITL – week fourteen – the little things

the little things
remind me of you
the whisper of the wind
the last chord of a song
sometimes I smile
forgetting the end
while remembering the laughter
the sweetness untarnished
a careless phrase
conjuring a moment
a memory best
left to dreams
softly lit
gentled by hope and whimsy
the little things
that remind me of you
mean nothing
in the scheme of things
except to me

I have no idea why I conjured that bit of poetry above. Maybe it’ll mean something to you, gentle reader.

Strike Back – The season finale was the other night. Stonebridge and Scott had lovely moments and then off they went. As much as I LOVE them (and no one can ever refute the fact that I LOVE them), I hope that this was their one and only time appearing on this reiteration of the show. If they want to do a movie of just the two of them, a one-off of their current time together, then I say YES, do that! I would love to witness another Stonebridge and Scott adventure. Philip Winchester and Sullivan Stapleton are the best as Stonebridge and Scott and their obvious chemistry is a joy to watch. I love that their characters are still alive. So let’s keep them that way, eh?… As for this new team, I was pretty much in with them by the second episode. I love that they’re a team (as opposed to a duo) and I look forward to more of their back stories as well as more kick ass adventures. I loved the end of the episode (and season) and not knowing how they get out of their current jam. It’s just enough to know that they do. Or they’d better! (The show has been renewed but they haven’t said if all the cast is returning…)

My screen caps aren’t as pretty as I’d like them to be but they will do for now, I suppose.

Strike Back

Spring might have begun but rain has fallen here and there and I don’t mind it so much. I’m savoring the cooler weather while it’s here. It will be summer weather soon enough…

Hubby might be switching to Android. What?! I know, right? So I’ve decided to watch more Android-centric tech shows (I usually just watch iOS stuff) just to have some passing knowledge of Android and such. Just for fun. It’s always good to know different things, right?…

I ordered a new Pop Socket. I customized it with my fantasy portrait. It’s so cute! I seriously love it. It could be a cool conversation piece. Maybe? I can’t believe my fantasy portrait is almost 20 years old. Ye gods!…

My writing is so stalled. I can’t focus. Why can’t I focus? And why am I going back to a story that I started YEARS ago. “The Guardsmen of Vala,” a fantasy thing, involves a young woman who’s heir to her realm and currently being manipulated by the father and brothers, who hope to marry her to a family they can control. Her Guardsmen are men loyal to her and only her. And that’s about as much as I know about that story…