TWITL – week sixteen – two dozen years

Monday the 16th was our 24th wedding anniversary. Where have the years gone? The years have been filled with ups and downs but always too with love and laughter and more good times than bad. I consider myself pretty lucky that we still love and LIKE each other. We enjoy spending time together but we’re cool with doing our own things too. He puts up with a bit of crazy from me (fan girl stuff and such) and I am grateful he just rolls his eyes about it or even goes along with me (the music stuff and such). As much as I adore my fellas (and we all know how much I do), the hubby is my one and only and it’s a joy experiencing this world together with him.

And that’s as sentimental as I’m going to get about all of that.

Oh, I will say that I think it’s enough to say that we’ve been married for x-amount of years. I don’t need to tack on the time we were together and then got engaged. I roll my eyes when people seem to need to say, “We’ve been married for ten years but we’ve been together for fifteen.” No one cares how long you were together before you got married unless it’s like more than a decade. If it’s so important to you to say how long you’ve actually been with your spouse, how about framing it as, “We’ve been together for fifteen years, married for ten.” Or how about just leaving it at, “We’ve been married for ten years.” Seriously, no one cares about those five years you weren’t married. If someone cares enough to know how long you’ve actually been with your spouse, they’ll ask. Just sayin’.

I did post a picture of us for our anniversary and I appreciate all the likes and messages. If you’re one of those who liked or commented, THANK YOU. I hope seeing that old picture of us amused you and made you smile…


“Something Sweet” – I think the title is more a description of what I’m attempting. The tag line started as “What happens with a former bad boy wants to play it sweet with a nice girl who wants to be bad?” The characters have a different idea on the story and since it’s about them, I’ll let them guide me. My main objective is to have a not so steamy story, focusing instead on the love. We’ll see how it goes.


Lost in Space – We binge-watched this show in the course of a few days. I mostly enjoyed it. I seriously wanted to punch “Dr. Smith” in the face so many times. I kept wondering what exactly motivated that character and if it was necessary having a villain in that way when the circumstance of their situation gave the characters plenty to overcome.

Blindspot – I didn’t get to watch it live because baseball was on. Now, I love baseball but I was raging pissed that I wasn’t able to watch my show after it had been on a few weeks’ hiatus because the Giants were on. The GIANTS. What the heck! So for now I have no comment on the new ep beyond I WISH I HAD BEEN ABLE TO WATCH IT LIVE.


Friday morning I discovered that the new ESPN+ streaming service is the new home of my Super Rugby matches. I was NOT happy at the revelation. During our cord-cutting years, I wished that ESPN or some other sports network would offer their wares for a nominal price so that I could watch my rugby without worrying about using someone else’s cable login. When we went back to cable, I was happy to officially have ESPN so that I could watch my rugby on the app whenever I wished. It looks like much of the stuff offered on ESPN3 is now part of the paid platform of ESPN+. SO NOT PLEASED. Yet another possible expense to tack on to the other streaming platforms we pay…

Our first baseball game of the season will be the Giants vs Dodgers game next Saturday. We got tickets from our friend. They were for the rained out game and our friend can’t go so we’ll be at AT&T Park for the first game of the day-night doubleheader (which is not a true doubleheader since we can’t stay for the second game). I love AT&T Park (even though I’m not a Giants fan) so it’ll be nice to get out and enjoy the pretty San Francisco views…


Someone I knew died a couple of weeks ago. She was family of family and we saw each other a few times over the years. I saw a notice on Facebook for her Celebration of Life and I was just stunned. She was a good person, always nice and smiling and the world is a little less bright now. I’m so sad for her family and friends. She was gone too soon…

A longtime couple I know is separating and it surprised and saddened me. They seemed like a solid couple and it’s a little boggling that they’re going through this. Part of me hopes they can work it out but if they can’t, I totally get it…

Saturday we visited with a group of friends and hung out. It was a good time with lots of conversation and lots of eating. It was interesting seeing someone I’d know before almost all the others there. I hadn’t seen him in probably twenty years (if not more than that)…

Flickr was acquired by Smugmug! I’m hoping it means good things. Fingers crossed!

Sometimes don’t you just want to say, “Oh honey, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than that piece of work.”

pretty flowers