TWITL – week twenty-two – how a short week felt so long

maybe you miss me
those bits of sweet attention
filled with such longing

It was a short work week but lo, it felt so long! I’m not even sure that it really dragged or anything of the sort. No, it was more that the days were busy and such. Also, the weather started to turn its eye towards summer, which has a way of dragging me down. I was so glad when the week was over but alas, the weekend is never long enough and here I am writing on Sunday evening, drawing a blank of what I’ve done these past couple of days…

I read the other day about why Solo: A Star Wars Story is so dimly lit– it’s the fault of the projector the movie theaters are using. Even though I do understand the idea of it all (the cinematography is so fancy that theaters need up-to-date equipment handle all the magical goodness), PERHAPS the movie should be made in mind of the capabilities of ALL movie projectors. Or more so, perhaps the movies should come with instructions on what tweaks should be made in order for the movie to be viewed at its ideal. I must say that when I worked the movie projector oh so long ago, we just had to make sure the film was properly threaded through the projector and that the sound was at an acceptable level. I don’t remember needing to adjust the bulbs beyond making sure they actually worked…

Tyler is #2 on The Highway
“The Difference” is #2 on The Highway!

This is pretty awesome! I’m so glad the song is doing so well and I hope it keeps climbing all the charts because I seriously want to get my next tattoo. “The Difference” hasn’t yet appeared on the country radio surveys I take every week, which I find a bit curious. I love taking those surveys and I hope my votes make a bit of difference. I want to see Tyler on those surveys so I can show my love in yet another way!

Speaking of Tyler, CMA Fest starts on Thursday in Nashville. I am jealous of all the people who will be there to see all the amazing artists. I hope if you know me and you’re there, you tell Tyler I said hello. And if you haven’t seen Tyler perform live yet, GO SEE HIM! He’s fantastic live whether with his band or just a guitar. He’s mesmerizing!

Sully is popular

So if I ever need online attention, I just need to post a shot of Sullivan Stapleton on Instagram. Almost every time I post something Sully, I get so many likes! You’d think I was a Sullivan Stapleton fan site. He gets more likes than when I post Henry Cavill. Crazy, right? I wonder if Sully even notices. He probably doesn’t. Or if he does, it gives him a laugh.


Yes, totally on a Henry Cavill trip right now. Don’t ask why. Just enjoy the random pics of him that I post. He’s hooked with Hugo Boss, hence the glasses. So Clark Kent, eh?