I didn’t do any prep blog writing the past week so you’re getting off the top of the head stuff and on a Monday. (The joys of fall break!) What kind of babbling I can conjure on the fly? Let’s go bullet style…
the view from my favorite spot in the library
- Loving our new library! I walked over last Monday as well as this past Friday. First off all, it’s a good walk from home. Second, the library is gorgeous. Third, I might have my own “spot.” Well, I sat in the same place both days so that might make it my spot, right? I checked out a book on Monday (John Scalzi’s The Collapsing Empire) and I finished it this weekend. I didn’t want it to end! Now I’m wondering how long before the second book gets to the library, either the physical book or the digital edition. Anyhoo, LOVE the new library and I hope I get my butt out there at least once a week. Maybe I’ll visit during my lunch break. It’s a short walk from work.
- Venom – I saw this movie right after work on Thursday. I liked it! Of course, I’m a total sucker for Tom Hardy so I went in with that bias. I also scoffed at the criticisms I’d skimmed before watching. I was quite entertained and I wouldn’t mind seeing it again. Tom was a trip in the film and I love seeing him like that. Actually, I just love watching him on the big screen.
- The Rugby Championship – I woke up a little after 8 am on Saturday to watch the Springboks v All Blacks match. I was actually stressed throughout the match because the All Blacks trailed for most of the game. Then they decided to turn it on in the last five or ten minutes and at the end, they won. I love seeing them win! I also love watching them work for it. Sometimes it’s just too easy for them.
- Halfworlds – We started watching this show on Hulu. It’s so interesting! I like that it’s an Asian production with an intriguing premise. It’s quite well done and gritty. We’re still in the first season (there are two so far). It’s a bloody and violent but not overtly. I’m digging the mythological elements as well as the mystery and suspense.
- Oh social media – I think Twitter is a little stress causing for me. It might be time to do a deeper purge. Or at least a muting. You know what makes me crazy? The people who say such precious and pretentious things. Example – someone I follow RT’d another person who praised A Star Is Born. Nothing wrong with that except for the part where the person said it should have been the movie that made $80 million (as opposed to Venom). The person ended his tweet with “No spandex suit.” Now, if I were a different person, I might have fired a reply pointing out 1) Venom is rated PG-13 whereas A Star Is Born is rated R, which means no matter how awesome a movie it is, it would have had a hard time making $80 million even if Venom hadn’t opened the same weekend and 2) there were no spandex suits in Venom. It KILLS me when people feel like that while praising something they have to disparage another thing to make what they like look better. The thing is, it doesn’t make you or what you like look better. It makes you look pretentious and small minded. Also, a person in the industry might have a little more insight as to WHY Venom did better than A Star Is Born at the box office in spite of the very different reviews each movie garnered. Here’s a clue– the auditorium was mostly filled with young boys and men for the showing I attended– young boys and men who did not need to have their parents with them. So of course, demographics played a part in the box office take. As for why I chose Venom over A Star Is Born – I never considered watching a remake of a remake on the big screen. I’m sure I’ll end up watching it at home when it hits the movie channels. I chose Venom because I’m a Tom Hardy fan and I like to be entertained by flashy action movies on the big screen. But mostly, I wanted to see Tom Hardy on the big screen.
- National Novel Writing Month – I’m in the “should I write a prequel to my November novel” phrase. If I’m going to write it, I should probably start now so that I have some kind of story by the month’s end. It’ll help me get the groove. Maybe.