TWITL – week four – memories & musings

Was it really just a four day work week? It felt like a regular work week. I don’t know why but by the time Friday rolled around, I was quite ready for it. Oi!

this shot is 20 years old!
with Dean, Ryan, & Joel

So that shot with Dean, Ryan, and Joel is TWENTY YEARS old. I know, it’s crazy, right?! So of course, I just had to mention it on twitter, as one does, and I tagged the trio along with Chris Conrad because I was wishing he was in the shot as well. Plus I might have known he would at least like the photo. Well, he ended up replying!

Can't help but adore Chris Conrad
What a sweetheart!

Y’all know how much I freakin’ LOVE when the fellas like or comment on my stuff. His reply put a smile on my face. I replied back to him, telling him how I have a Young Hercules poster that’s signed by EVERYONE but him and it’s killing me… I just have to say, he’s a total sweetheart and I’m glad he’s still out there doing the work for us to watch. Also, this made me want to finish watching Patriot. (Have not finished the first season or started the second yet because we got distracted? But seriously, it’s a great show!)

The picture with the boys was taken on William Gregory Lee’s birthday (although I wouldn’t meet him until almost two years later). I sent a tweet out to wish him Happy Birthday. I’m sure he didn’t see it but maybe someone he knows did.

I do love being in green
love wearing green

I parted my hair on the other side this week for some reason. I really don’t know why except I wanted to make my hair do other things. Of course, parting my hair differently shows off my “sparkles” more and I’m not sure how I feel about that. And I found a RED hair! I’m not sure what’s going with that…

Good movie!
I saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

On Monday, I walked to the movie theatre to watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I really enjoyed it! I thought it was funny and heartwarming and adventuresome. I can’t remember the last time I saw an animated movie at the theatre and I’m glad this was one of them.

my other instagram acct
my other public instagram account

So I opened up that private Instagram account I have. Oh, you know, the one that “model” wanted to follow. Within a day or so of making it public, she unfollowed me. I’m not sure who she thought I was or what I might be posting but it was obviously not what she expected. Whatevs, chick!… I’m no really publicizing the account from my usual spots but if you want to see what so far are Hipstamatic, black and white photos taken on my iPhone, you are most welcome to follow me on that account. I won’t Instagram story on that account but I’ll post quiet pictures now and again…

this old thing that fascinates me
this thing fascinates me

My dad offered this to me when I asked how long he’s had it. I said no but I probably should have answered, “Not yet,” because now I’m thinking it would be kind cool to have it. I could hang it in the kitchen or something. It’s fascinating. Where did he get it? Why is it so familiar to me yet I can’t see it anywhere in my memories?…