TWITL – week three – the drag

I tell you what, this week just seemed to drag. Maybe it’s too much about looking forward to the long weekend (thank goodness for the long weekend)! Or maybe it’s just that time of year, after the holidays and the turn of the year. Or maybe it’s just winter time telling us to rest.

my workspace sometimes seems fangirl oriented
when the work space is a bit fangirly

Work is starting to pick up a bit. Transfers start next month and I’m getting lots of calls and a few emails about it all. I’m trying to be as prepared as possible but I know it’s going to be madness come February. Part of me is looking forward to it. Isn’t that strange?

when I want to feel mysterious
gotta love the filters on the photo apps

So how about something a little strange? The “model” found one of my private Instagram accounts and even though I hadn’t posted anything to that profile, she requested to follow me. I wondered how she found me. After I got the request, I thought that perhaps I’d use that account to post more photographic shots. So I decided to open the account to public and now she’s my only follower, which is freakin’ weird but oh well. Perhaps other people will find it and follow me. Otherwise it’ll be quite odd to have her be my only follower. Ye gods.

Pizza at Paxti's
the “Matt Cain” at Paxti’s

Saturday night we headed to Livermore for dinner (pizza at Paxti’s) then a birthday celebration at the Railroad Saloon. Fun times! I stayed in the pool room even though it was smoky in there because I could sit on the hard couch and it was cooler compared to the main bar area. Plus we could hear the music well enough in there. I was the designated driver (of course) so I had one beer and just drank water the rest of the night. I had a good time people watching and chatting with friends. The birthday girl seemed to be having a good time. I hope she had a good time! I bet she doesn’t remember seeing me at the bathroom before we left.

we look tough?

Thoughts in bullet form…

  • I unfriended someone on FB because when we saw each other again in person, she didn’t remember me AT ALL. Look, I get it, we haven’t seen each other but a few times. So I’m sure she won’t even notice that I unfriended her…
  • We started a re-watch of Game of Thrones. We want to watch so that we are all caught up for the final season premiere in April. Watching the early eps know what we know gives the actions more meaning.
  • Hubby got a new phone, the iPhone XR. It was inevitable, of course. Now we both have new phones and his is actually larger than mine. This is probably the first time in at least five years that I have the smaller phone.
taken by hubby's iPhone XR
taken by the iPhone XR